Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Delta Lady

This is my variation of a Southern Manhattan. I've named it after a Paddle steamer that gave sightseeing tours in my hometown and that my grandfather worked on. Since I'm such a purist when it comes to Manhattans, there's nothing "molecular" about this recipe.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Bazooka

So, during the discussion about my t-Virus shot last week on Reddit, the person from Candy Booze indirectly gave me a genius idea: Dissolving Pez. I love Pez. As a kid, my brother had hundreds of Pez dispensers; and my other brother and I once made a stop-motion movie called "Night of the Living Pez," complete with dispensers being blown up with firecrackers and a Pez Dispenser domino-effect finale that took about 50 tries to get right. Sadly, that footage is lost forever. Anyway, this shot is for you, Pez.